Does crying make your eyelashes grow longer?

Posted by Katerina Xanthoudakis on

Does crying make your eyelashes longer?

Being a make up artist for eight years, I certainly got asked this question a lot and I hoped that the answer was yes… so I didn’t feel so bad about crying all the time (insert awkward laugh).

They say crying is good for lots of reasons – dulls pain, improves mood, restores emotional balance, helps self-soothe, rallies support, detoxifies the body – maybe help make my eyelashes grow longer?

It sounds crazy that someone would spend the time of day pondering this question, however being someone that is obsessed with makeup and strongly believes that the eyes are the window to the soul – this was something normal for me to hope for.

I’ve done everything to make my eyelashes longer, thicker and fuller. I’ve tried strip eyelashes, false eyelashes, fake eyelashes, mink eyelashes, eyelash extensions, magnetic eyelashes, castor oil for eyelashes – you name it, I’ve done it! Not to mention all the last-minute runs to Kmart, Priceline, & Chemist Warehouse… and the spontaneous ebay purchases and the random Sims 4 inspirations.

In all seriousness - one day I had to really buckle down and do my research *asks Google for all the answers to the questions I had*. Why are my eyelashes falling out? Do eyelashes grow back? How to grow eyelashes, eyelashes near me, eyelash extensions near me and finally the answer to my largest superstition – does crying make your eyelashes longer?

I’m sorry to tell you girls, the answer is no! While that wasn’t what we wanted to hear, there was still some positive take-aways that I had mentioned at the start of this article. I’m not kidding you, google told me that shedding tears releases oxytocin and endorphins in the brain making the person feel good? Yeah, I had to read that a few times too…

Back to the main reason why I even started this investigation, I needed the best false eyelashes and it became too difficult to find something I was consistently happy with… so I created my own!

Gone are the days of googling things like; why are my eyelashes falling out?  “Maybe Kat it’s because you pulled them all out after getting eyelash extensions.” my boyfriend providing me with a possible answer to that question…  

Instead, now I teach people how to put on fake eyelashes, help them keep their natural eyelashes, growing them in a normal fashion whilst using KX Artistry’s range of goddess powered lashes for all the right occasions!

Check them out below, try them for yourself and let me know what you think!

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